chicken pox
Your child is most infectious before the appearance of spots, with an incubation period of 17 to 21 days
Symptoms may include
- fever, headache, and feeling unwell
- lymph glands may be swollen
- blister type spots begin, usually on the trunk of the body and then spreading to the face, mouth, scalp, arms, legs, anus, vagina, or ears
- these spots usually heal over within 10 days and may sometimes leave scars if they have been scratched
what you can do
- green clay washes to relieve itchiness and promote healing
- nutritious foods and drinks only, and rest
- make strong infusions of chamomile and add to the bath water to promote healing and for its antiseptic properties
- catnip tea, for fever and to help settle restlessness
- infusion of meadowsweet tea to reduce fever and inflammation