home remedies

Over the years I have collected many home remedies and recipes using herbs and ingredients from the kitchen cupboard

Using home remedies for everyday ailments is self help

In the past people knew how to take care of their illnesses at home

Many traditional home remedies are forgotten

People are unsure of how to utilise the herbs in their garden to effectively and confidently treat at home

The human body has the ability to heal itself given the right conditions

The basis of good health is clean air, pure drinking water and wholesome food

Often when illness occurs it is because the body has been distressed by a busy lifestyle, junk food, excess alcohol, not drinking enough water and lack of exercise

When illness occurs it is often best to rest

Whilst resting your body you can replenish and restore your health and you can assist the body by eating nourishing foods and by using herbs

Here are some of the recipes I have collected to treat everyday ailments at home

Green Drink

This drink can be used to treat anemia it is also safe to drink for pregnant women

To a glass of freshly juiced apple or pineapple add alfalfa sprouts, spearmint or peppermint leaves, parsley and wheatgrass and blend

Add 500mg of vitamin C powder and take with a capsule of vitamin E

This is a very effective way to raise your red blood cell count without having to take iron tablets

Sinus Ease

Cut the peel of an orange into small strips and soak in apple cider vinegar for several hours

Drain and then cook down with honey until soft but not the consistency of candy

Keep in the refrigerator and take a teaspoon as required for congested sinuses

Herbs used in poultices

If you have a boil crush a comfrey leaf and apply to the boil

Secure with a light bandage to keep the comfrey in place

The comfrey will bring the boil to a head and release the toxins so that healing can commence

Slippery elm powder is an excellent poultice for abscesses, bites, boils and stings

Mix into a paste with water and apply to the affected area

Slippery elm powder can be used in conjunction with other herbs and acts as a gelling agent

Cabbage leaves contain a natural antibiotic

The warmed leaves can be placed on an ulcerated sore and help to clean and heal the wound

Cabbage leaves are also very effective in relieving the pain of mastitis in breast feeding mums.

Carrots mashed and boiled and applied to a sore can help to draw out inflammation and heal the area

Carrots have strong antiseptic properties

Nappy rash

Make a paste with slippery Elm powder and honey and apply to the area affected.

Date Syrup

Chop a cup of dates add a little water and cook down until the mix is soft and mushy

Puree into a syrup store in a clean jar and take one teaspoon as required for coughs, sore throat and bronchitis

Self help empowers you

Having knowledge empowers you

Using home remedies is gentle and inexpensive