lemon balm (melissa officinalis)

Lemon balm is a must in your self-help garden

It is an easy to grow perennial herb and a member of the mint family of plants
It is a low growing shrub which can spread easily if not contained
It has a delightfully invigorating lemon scent and I can highly recommend that you pick a handful of the leaves, hold them in your hands and then breathe in the heady smell of lemon balm

It can help to clear and calm your mind and lift your spirits
It is a safe herb that can be used by everyone in the family

Lemon balm’s key actions are

  • anti-depressant
  • antispasmodic
  • relaxant
  • anti-oxidant
  • anti-bacterial
  • anti-viral (topical)
  • as a insect repellent (topical)

Lemon balm contains vitamins A, B, and C

Lemon Balm also contains volatile oils that can help soothe your central nervous system
It’s sedative properties can help with insomnia and restlessness in both adults and children

It is particularly useful for children who experience digestive upsets related to nervous tension in the body
A couple of teaspoons of a weak infusion can be safely given to babies with colic
Calendula can be used by teething toddlers and helps to manage associated fever

Lemon balm is good for those who suffer from anxiety or mild depression
It can reduce feelings of panic and is a good remedy for tension headaches

Have a cup of lemon balm tea when tension headaches occur instead of reaching for the Panadol
If you can replace your daily cups of tea or coffee with lemon balm tea, you will soon notice the soothing and nourishing effect this herb can have on your body

In our hectic contemporary lifestyle, lemon balm is a herb that can help your nervous system cope more effectively with the stresses that occur in your daily life
It will not make you feel sleepy so it is fine to drink up to three cups a day if needed

Traditionally, lemon balm was considered the herb of the heart. It has been used in the past for the treatment of palpitations related to nervous tension and to help relax the cardio-vascular system

It is especially good tea for those people who can’t slow down and are always on the go living on nervous energy

Lemon balm’s antiviral properties make it a useful herb for out breaks of the herpes virus
Various trials show that lemon balm will reduce the severity of out breaks and help speed the healing process
Either apply the juice of the leaves to the affected area or make a strong infusion and bathe the affected area two to three times a day

Lemon balm is also a tasty addition to your salads, soups, sauces, herb vinegars.
It’s lemony flavor is especially good with fish
Leaves can be used as a stuffing for roast chicken, or chop a few leaves and add to yoghurt

I make syrup from an infusion of lemon balm and then use it to flavour our daily smoothies

Include lemon balm in your garden and you will be practicing self help.
You will be not only save money by using home remedies, but improve your health