red clover (trifolium partanse)

It’s always exciting in the garden at this time of year

The herbs have a life of their own now and require little help from me as they grow and flourish. Every  year, like clockwork, the herbs reappear either by self seeding (annuals) or by waking up after their winter dormancy (perennial)

One of my favourite herbs coming into flower now, is  Red Clover (Trifolium partanse). It is a perennial that grows back in the spring time from its rhizome. A wonderfully nutrient rich plant that can help restore your body to  optimum health

When your body is well nourished it has the ability to heal itself. Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. One of the best ways to do this is with nourishing infusions from herbs like Red Clover, Nettles and Oat straw

These nourishing brews can provide all the ingredients that your body needs and can recognise easily. These marvellous plants have grown and evolved with us over time so we are really old friends put on this planet together for a reason

I have been  influenced in my learning about herbs by traditional herbalist Susun Weed. Susun practices The Wise Woman Tradition of healing based on nourishing your body with whole plants. Susun Weed says that The Wise Woman Tradition, “focuses on the person, not the problem, nourishing not curing, self healing, not healing another”

When your body has the nourishment it requires it has a healing system of it’s own and   knows how to heal itself

Susun’s method of making strong herbal infusions is to place 25 grams of your nourishing herb into a litre mason jar and cover with boiling water. Fill the jar to the very top and then seal with the lid. Let this brew steep for at least four hours. I make mine before I go to bed to use the next day. All of this infusion can be drunk warm or cold depending on your preference throughout the day, and can replace some of your water intake

Which brings me back to the beautiful Red Clover. The flowers, leaves and stems can all be harvested for your infusion or you can just use the flowers. If you have this herb growing in your garden you can harvest the rest of your plant at the end of summer and dry it, saving it for infusions in  the winter months

Like all the nourishing herbs  Red Clover contains many minerals and vitamins as well as phytoestrogens. This makes it a valuable herb for those wishing to prepare to fall pregnant or for those people experiencing difficulty in getting pregnant. It is also good for menopausal women as the naturally occurring phytoestrogens help with some of the symptoms of menopause. Once  your body is well nourished the common symptoms associated with menopause are barely noticed if they are felt at all

Red Clover has expectorant properties so can be used when there are respiratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough or chest infections. It is high in copper and iron salts making it such a good blood tonic for those with anaemia. It also acts as a circulatory stimulant and supports your liver in it’s detoxification processes

It is a safe and effective herb for children with skin disorders like eczema or dermatitis and for adults suffering with psoriasis.  Despite the safety of this herb it’s strong alkalising effect on the body may cause detox symptoms .For this reason if your health is not  100% I would begin taking  a weaker brew and building up to a stronger one. In some cases your rashes may flare up initially as your body eliminates through one of your major eliminative organs, your skin. Red Clover also has the ability to remove toxins via the urinary  system because of it’s diuretic properties

I have found that alternating the herbs you drink each day ensures you are getting a wide variety of nutrients and slowly but surely rebuilding health.Red Clover’s blood cleansing properties have made it an important herb for those with cancer and has been considered a valuable anti cancer herb in many parts of the world

Whilst these nourishing herbs are provided freely by nature it is important that they are also consumed in their natural state and not in the form of pills, capsules or tinctures. The safest way to benefit from these nourishing herbs is by long infusion as described above with either the dried or fresh plant

When using Red Clover if you do experience detox symptoms you can wait a few days for the detox to ease and instead support yourself with infusions of Nettle or  Oatstraw. As times goes on and your body becomes healthier many symptoms and everyday ailments  will begin to disappear, and your energy will increase. Also cravings may disappear as your cells are receiving the nutrients that they are craving for

If you can’t grow Red Clover yourself find a reputable herb supplier and buy organic to ensure no contamination with chemicals. If I need dried herbs I order from Austral Herbs

Good health really is in your hands

By nourishing your body you will avoid illness, feel happier and live better because you are practicing self help